Supports the following standards: ASTM E965 The H-3215 Sand Patch Test is used for determining the average macrotexture depth of a pavement surface in accordance with ASTM E965. Measurements can be used for improving pavement maintenance and finishing processes. Kit Includes: 8lbs. of glass beads (graded to have a minimum of 90% by weight passing a No.60 sieve and retained on a No. 80 sieve) 1 gallon plastic jar with lid 35ml stainless steel measure Rubber puck spreader tool 12" Stainless Steel Ruler with 0.1" Graduations Graduated Cylinder, Plastic, 50ml - H-4916P.050 Wind screen 3” Brush Plastic carrying case A balance readable to 0.1 g is recommended for additional control to confirm each sand patch measurement is accurate in both mass and volume. HB-4533A balance recommended.